Call for Accredited Supervisors and offer of 25% discounted CPD 

PACFA is excited to announce the launch of a new member only resource, a directory of PACFA Accredited Supervisors who offer low-cost, group, supervision online.* We have already received considerable interest from both Accredited Supervisors and practitioners, so we are advertising this opportunity once more before the directory will go live.  

At this time, PACFA is still seeking more Accredited Supervisors to list on this new resource. PACFA remains dedicated to encouraging best practice amongst our members, and as a gesture of good-will PACFA is offering its sell-out professional development course ‘Online Therapies’ with Fiona Griffith at a 25% discount to Accredited Supervisors who sign up to list on this directory. Originally priced at $260 for members this discount will reduce the price to $195.  

Over the past year many of our practitioners have moved into the online space, and we encourage those who have done so to consider training in online technologies. By offering this discount PACFA has made it even easier to access high quality training to ensure that this clinical supervision is conducted ethically and competently within the scope of training. As always, PACFA promotes best practice in the industry by ensuring practitioners supporting our initiatives are well equipped to provide clinical work at a high standard. 

This will be the first ongoing membership benefit of its kind; a directory which will connect all PACFA registrants with PACFA’s Accredited Supervisors offering lower-cost, group supervision online. A resource which will pave the way for greater ease in developing long term supervision relationships. 

If you are an Accredited Supervisor and you would like to join this initiative, please complete this Expression of Interest form attached below. We will be in touch with your unique discount code for the Online Therapies course, and also with relevant information and guidelines to assist your supervision groups.  

For practitioners who are interested in finding a supervisor who meet this criteria, please keep up to date with our E-News for announcements regarding the launch of this scheme.  

For further information about this initiative, please email the office at [email protected].  

*Please note for the purposes of this activity PACFA is defining low-cost supervision as $60 maximum per person per hour, group size maximum of 6, recommended size between 3-6. 

Expression of Interest Form